Serving humanity is serving God...
The world is now racked by all kinds of injustices and sufferings which man is inflicting onto his fellow man, and hence the world is teetering on the brink of disaster. What is required is a spiritual solution, for that is the only solution permanent for a soul and lasting for nations. The history of India, and indeed of the whole world, shows us that whenever society degrades into materialism, the only thing that comes to the aid of people is Spirituality. A spiritual solution always strikes at the root cause of a problem – that is selfishness. Oh, if we could only comprehend what it really means to love, to feel another’s pain, to have an utterly selfless heart!
International Vedanta Society, founded by Bhagavan, is trying to disseminate this solution in the world, now engulfed in darkness. Though we are very well-prepared in a spiritual sense, this has necessarily meant that, to keep the spirituality pure, our society has had to desist from involving itself in material dealings. For this reason, we must rely solely on the pure in heart among those devotees and well-wishers that are capable of supporting our works. If our story, if our ideal touches a chord in your heart, we would be delighted if you would join us, but if this is not possible, you would indeed still be doing a great service if you could offer us some financial or any other assistance, not for us, nay, not for our sakes, but for the sake of the downtrodden, the struggling multitude and the spiritually bereft in all strata of society at home and abroad.
Cheques/drafts may be sent in favour of the INTERNATIONAL VEDANTA SOCIETY. Donations are exempt from Income-tax under section 80G of IT ACT, 1961.
Hoping, too, that you will be with us.
Yours faithfully,
In the service of the Lord
Swami Sankarananda
Swami Probuddhananda
General Secretary
International Vedanta Society
NOTE: All the donations are exempted from Income Tax under section 80G.

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International Vedanta Society
Account No.
Bank Name
Axis Bank
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Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkata